Our Story

Reverse Camber Christian Elvidge GT3RS

Christian Elvidge.

Director & Precision Driver

Christian’s love of all things motorised started as early as he can remember. Like lots of boys his father was mostly to blame for this, his love of cars being passed down.

A turbulent time at school meant Christian left at 16 to try and make his way in the world. A number of different careers/businesses later, and always looking for a way in to the automotive industry, he stumbled across an opportunity to work for Chris Harris and his production Company Grip Productions.

Driving in films and helping with filming he honed his skills in the industry over 4 unforgettable years.

He broke away to chase a freelance precision driver career, YouTube channel and founded Reverse Camber at the start of 2020.

Instagram: @christianelvidge

Reverse Camber Thomas Garner

Thomas Garner.

Film Director & Director of Photography at Radial

With a considerable background in the automotive industry, his ability to direct motion is no less than astounding. He is able to take a seemingly impossible concept and turn it into a reality. Growing up shooting cars has been the biggest contributing factor in his passion with filmmaking.


Instagram: @thomasgarnerfilms